Rettet die Eisbachwelle - Unterschriftenliste zum Erhalt des Surfens in München - Save the wave!

Rettet die Eisbachwelle - Unterschriftenliste zum Erhalt des Surfens in München - Save the wave!
Riversurfers, surfers lovers of waves please help save this wave it is such a huge part of river surfing! It must not be destroyed!Thanks to all involved and Munich River Surfing members and and epaddler for making us aware of this important vote .Go to this site to SAVE THE WAVE!!!

click link above to help!!!SOS this is the video on the subject thank you for your time and votes.

Pipelines pictures inteview with Aloha Mack the" tube steak wave"
This is a great story to video ,this wave is truly dangerous and like Aloha Mack says could be the future of contest river surfing with the right tools and safety. could be a final stop top in a final event. As far as contests go this 07 womens comp is way stoking, Canada and Munich have already been taking on such events much stoke and thanks to all involved
thank you all for your love of this sport and what you all have given
chopper,Colorado Surfing wwwebmag
pic =Ritchie of pipeline pictures and the contest flyers ARSA site

YouTube - Roxy Tahiti Spring Photo Shoot 2008

YouTube - Roxy Tahiti Spring Photo Shoot 2008
Thanks to the best channel on youtube Roxy and Roxy Get out side for the winter blues or summer blues and most of all your powerhouse moves and what you do for women thank you from Colorado.
Sick new web site for binge out of Alaska way powerful backcountry wizards of snow and film stoked to share this link Eagle River locals rule.

Through Wyoming

Glenwood Springs Whitewater Park Home Page

Glenwood Springs Whitewater Park Home Page
The surf is up thanks to these people find out more at there site .

Paddler Magazine Online : The Way of the Whitewater Park

Paddler Magazine Online : The Way of the Whitewater Park
Here is a great site and story on white waterparks . click on link to surf there! thanks paddler
and don't forget to check out the money shots in the pic section at there site way money !
thanks again Paddler ,chopper

JIBNOW.COM - And you'll never shred alone!

JIBNOW.COM - And you'll never shred alone!
Check this siteout great videos and stokin people and remember to check out thanks
Flyer pic= from there site what you can find there in the waves.

River Surfing 101

River surfboard site linked to River Surfing 101.

River Surfing 101
This site is a huge part of river surfing History .River surfing 101 is making a new dvd on how to river surf here is a link to there site they also have a book out .Thank you river Surfing 101 for that and being a huge inspo to all can't wait for the new film.

Panthaland | Graffiti and Street Art Expo 7-7-7 Crash Mansion L.A.

click link for interview

Panthaland Graffiti and Street Art Expo 7-7-7 Crash Mansion L.A.
Art4freedom galireie Artist of the month. Here is a story written by CTCmagizine and a photos here are from that CTCmagizine site thank you .
Singtologist myspace. Denver Artist know world wide great art and way human creative visions and soul. check him out .

The new Gtownbridgewave

Colorado Surfing wwwebmag o3/01/08

The Gtown bridge wave update.

The new waves is flowin and local kayakers where allready shredding this day of March 1 2008 so stokin .I chated with one Female kayaker about the wave and water here is her reply"water 40degrees brainfrezze flip overs and good surf on the North side of river and lots of fun she was riding with 8 other kayakers and said she will be back for those brain freezzzes !!!" .Cheers to Katie , linda or sally or Karen her name must remain uknown thank you and surfs up to you and all Colorado Kayakers.And the Colorado wave park association.
pics =cep=above7studios story= chopper.

Adaptive Adventures - Sports And Recreation For All Seasons

Adaptive Adventures - Sports And Recreation For All Seasons
Jamie,Scott or phunkle Not pictured ,picture= surfer from Adaptive Sports site = thank you =I had the pleasure of getting too surf with a surfer named Jamie and Cohort care taker Carlton and thanks to there friend phunkle .Whatching jamie grin ear to ear and give the thumbs up all the way down the Mtn was more stoking than anything else i can think of ?Cheers to Adaptive Adventures not a part of the Jamie crew but a great resource for Colorados challenged adventurers and Jamie and Carlton and phunkle thank you for letting me shred with the best Jamie .

pictures property of Adaptive Adventures.